
Report from a Japanese concrete5 book release seminar held in Tokyo

Posted by admin at 19:19 日時 2014/02/10


We held a pre-release party of Japanese concrete5 book on Feb 6th 2014 in Tokyo. It was organized by Mynavi Corporation and concrete5 Japan Inc..

brand new concrete5 books!

This book is a first book of concrete5 written in Japanese. Several members of Japanese community wrote this book. At this night, about 70 people joined to our seminar!

concrete5 seminar

The seminar was entitled “concrete5 – it’ll change the web design and web development“. First, our local community leader Katz (@katz515) talked about introducing about concrete5 CMS.

Katz Ueno

I talked about “Responsive Web Design and concrete5”, a case study of concrete5 web site made with Foundation framework.

It’s me

Kimiya Sato (@kimiya) talked about “Development with crowd sourcing and concrete5”, and his talk inspired us to make project management more creative on GitHub. concrete5 is not only a web design tool, but also a powerful framework for collaborative web development.

Kimiya Sato

Then we discussed about concrete5. Toshiharu Kawatake (left) is technical director of Loftwork Inc., their company loves concrete5 for their CMS solution. He introduced about their projects and advantages of concrete5.

Toshiharu Kawatake, Kimiya Sato

Tao Sasaki (left, @tao_s) is CTO of concrete5 Japan inc, and Miki ishijima (right, @woopsdez) is famous web designer in Tokyo.

Tao Sasaki, Miki Ishijima

Rock-paper-scissors tournament for concrete5 swags! They enjoyed.

Finally, we enjoyed drink up after the seminar!


Thanks to everyone who came out for concrete5 seminar and thanks to wait long time to get Japanese concrete5 book! Yes, we made it!

The first Japanese concrete5 book

Thanks to Franz, Andrew and all of concrete5 community members in the world, and thanks again for great CMS!

concrete5 公式活用ガイドブック (Web Designing BOOKS)

  • 著者/訳者:猪上 博史 Katz Ueno 榊 友哉 佐々木 多生 中根 紳一 菱川 拓郎 吉川 智久
  • 出版社:マイナビ( 2014-02-14 )
  • 単行本(ソフトカバー):336 ページ
  • ISBN-10 : 4839943842
  • ISBN-13 : 9784839943844
  • 定価:¥ 3,542

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